“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible”
My background consists of a basic understanding of lighting previsualization software Wysiwyg and video previsualization Disguise (D3).
With my work, so far in the events sector, I haven’t had the need to do much previsualization work but as I progress onto larger projects & events, I plan to expand my skills on these previs softwares.
Currently learning Vectorworks.
See below 2 examples of my Previs work.
Kendrick Lamar Concept
This was a quick demo for fun. My vision was to have video walls on tracks and have the freedom of moving in 4 points giving a wide range of configurations. Concept created in Disguise.
Kettama concept
This was a lighting design concept I drew up for the Nghtwrk Kettama event. It was a decent size production for this event and therefore the Director of Nghtwrk wanted to view some renders before allowing me to spend his budget for this production. From seeing the renders, the director was pleased and went with my design idea.